
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Americana Sam Stocking

Having a great time with my patriotic dolls and looking forward to Deerfield. The pattern to make this prim stocking is complete, and posted on my website, as is the finished doll. I had a great time making him!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Patriotic Creations

gosh what a rough couple of weeks! I thought a nice bouquet of lilacs would cheer me up, and instead I ended up being sick with an acute allergy/asthma reaction. Now I am really working hard to catch up and finish my patriotic creations for the Deerfield summer show in June. Plus a bit of pattern writing, hopefully. I had to buy a new mouse and keyboard and am having trouble with the keyboard.... we aren't working well together and I keep skipping keys.
In the meantime the gardens are pitiful, and I hope to work out there again, once the lilacs are done blooming!
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Spring and Sweet Annie

My vegetable bed looks pretty sad this time of year, but that will change quickly!

Here are a few snapshots of my newest Sweet Annie so you can see what it looks like when it self seeds...

I will have to move these once the get a bit bigger as they won't like it under my picnic table...

and below is a present from my mom.... she has at least several pots that look just like this, all self seeded. It's nice to see the Sweet Annie emerging for another year, especially when we've had a bad winter.

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