
Friday, June 19, 2009

rain rain go away

Just a peek at what I'm doing while waiting for the big weekend.... Deerfield craft show is tomorrow and Sunday.... yippee! but the weather has been forecast to be rainy and cool, although it's now looking better than originally forecast.
We are in full rain precaution mode, and hopefully the tent will stay nice and dry and cozy! My hubby and I spent most of the week getting everything ready and then set up last night in the pouring rain. Pictures are promised for later this weekend!
So today is an off day.... I am working on more labels for my site and feel very antsy!!!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Watermelon Moon

I am stitching as fast as I can to be ready for the show... setup is now less than a week away. Time goes too quickly, but I am looking forward to getting out of here and taking the trip up to Deerfield! I really love how these came out- I think they will be great summer wreath substitutes! I've listed one finished, plus finished up the pattern tonight. You can find it on my website.
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Primitive Garden in June

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A peek from my hillside path, into the vegetable garden. We're mostly all planted, but I'm still working on the sweet annie, which is trying to take hold of the veggie beds!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Patterns for the Seaside

Seahorse Rides Pattern SHP

Seahorse Rides Pattern SHP

Seahorse Rides - A simple, extra prim and very long seahorse hanger. About 21" tall. Wonderful for ...

Price: US$5.00

Click for details

Rusty Olde Whale SHP

Rusty Olde Whale SHP

Rusty Olde Whale - A simple, very prim whale hanger, with rusty appearance. About 11" tall. ...

Price: US$5.00

Click for details

Monday, June 8, 2009

Land that I Love

My little "helper" Nelson, working on the display for the Deerfield Summer Craft Festival!
What would I do without him!!!
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