
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Deerfield Christmas Sampler - 2009 Booth Setup

A peek of my booth setup before the opening of the show! What an awesome show this has been for us...
I'd like to express my gratitude to all my special customers. It's always such a joy to see you again and I hope you'll enjoy your creations as much as I enjoyed stitching them.
The booth looks substantially different now, and we still have one more day to go. It's really been heartwarming to hear that many of the artists had stellar sales again...
I'll post more pictures of my booth on my picturetrail when the show is over.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Deerfield Christmas Sampler

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Please take note... In preparation for the Old Deerfield Christmas Sampler this upcoming weekend, all postal mailings will be delayed until the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday. Epatterns and label files will be emailed each evening.
If you're in the area please stop in and visit. I can be found in space 29 and I have an amazing selection of primitives for you again this year! Special request items have been completed, but be sure to shop early as there are limited quantities!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Rain is a Pain

Gosh it's hard doing craft shows outside in the rain.... yesterday was gloomy and wet. Good weather to snuggle up with a book and a warm blanket. Setup was NOT what I had wanted it to be... we pulled everything in and tightened up for the rain...
But we made it through, and today (day 2) looks like it will be nicer and breezy, so things will dry out a bit. I took a few pictures and will try to post them on my picturetrail soon.
This little pumpkin guy is the favorite thing I've done for this season.
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Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Somers Day Craft Fair

A tiny peek at my little pumpkiny display... more pictures to follow! This was a great show again this year... the crowds came out and the weather was perfect. I had awesome "neighbors" and awesome shoppers too.
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Click to view the photos in my picturetrail album...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Somers Day of Arts and Crafts

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I'm working hard on getting ready for this show. This year I'm focusing mostly on Halloween items and it should be fun. My booth is located right on the sidewalk... a good thing! I hope to take some pictures of the display, if I don't get too carried away. Last year I forgot until after all the best things were sold!
The weather is forecast to be fabulous, another good thing! If you're in the area come out and meet me!

Monday, August 31, 2009

New Autumn Items

One week til my craft show in Somers...
see my website for show info
It looks like a pumpkinfest here... I will be sad to see these guys go!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

Prim Cabinet Hubby Made

I've waited a year for my husband to make this for me, and he finally got to it during his vacation last week! We were both very happy with how it came out. The pattern came from and I have ordered another pattern for his September vacation. Thanks Pam and Rich, for an awesome pattern!
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The Sams

I sold out quickly on my Uncle Sam dolls during the summer show in Olde Deerfield, and have created a few more to join the pumpkin and witch dolls in my Autumn display. They look so cute standing in a row!

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Friday, June 19, 2009

rain rain go away

Just a peek at what I'm doing while waiting for the big weekend.... Deerfield craft show is tomorrow and Sunday.... yippee! but the weather has been forecast to be rainy and cool, although it's now looking better than originally forecast.
We are in full rain precaution mode, and hopefully the tent will stay nice and dry and cozy! My hubby and I spent most of the week getting everything ready and then set up last night in the pouring rain. Pictures are promised for later this weekend!
So today is an off day.... I am working on more labels for my site and feel very antsy!!!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Watermelon Moon

I am stitching as fast as I can to be ready for the show... setup is now less than a week away. Time goes too quickly, but I am looking forward to getting out of here and taking the trip up to Deerfield! I really love how these came out- I think they will be great summer wreath substitutes! I've listed one finished, plus finished up the pattern tonight. You can find it on my website.
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Primitive Garden in June

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A peek from my hillside path, into the vegetable garden. We're mostly all planted, but I'm still working on the sweet annie, which is trying to take hold of the veggie beds!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Patterns for the Seaside

Seahorse Rides Pattern SHP

Seahorse Rides Pattern SHP

Seahorse Rides - A simple, extra prim and very long seahorse hanger. About 21" tall. Wonderful for ...

Price: US$5.00

Click for details

Rusty Olde Whale SHP

Rusty Olde Whale SHP

Rusty Olde Whale - A simple, very prim whale hanger, with rusty appearance. About 11" tall. ...

Price: US$5.00

Click for details

Monday, June 8, 2009

Land that I Love

My little "helper" Nelson, working on the display for the Deerfield Summer Craft Festival!
What would I do without him!!!
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Americana Sam Stocking

Having a great time with my patriotic dolls and looking forward to Deerfield. The pattern to make this prim stocking is complete, and posted on my website, as is the finished doll. I had a great time making him!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Patriotic Creations

gosh what a rough couple of weeks! I thought a nice bouquet of lilacs would cheer me up, and instead I ended up being sick with an acute allergy/asthma reaction. Now I am really working hard to catch up and finish my patriotic creations for the Deerfield summer show in June. Plus a bit of pattern writing, hopefully. I had to buy a new mouse and keyboard and am having trouble with the keyboard.... we aren't working well together and I keep skipping keys.
In the meantime the gardens are pitiful, and I hope to work out there again, once the lilacs are done blooming!
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Spring and Sweet Annie

My vegetable bed looks pretty sad this time of year, but that will change quickly!

Here are a few snapshots of my newest Sweet Annie so you can see what it looks like when it self seeds...

I will have to move these once the get a bit bigger as they won't like it under my picnic table...

and below is a present from my mom.... she has at least several pots that look just like this, all self seeded. It's nice to see the Sweet Annie emerging for another year, especially when we've had a bad winter.

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