
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pattern Giveaway! Ramblings from Rhode Island: Countdown.......

Hurry, while you still have time!!!

Last day to get in on the drawing for Michelle's pattern giveaway.... You could win FIVE Rocking Chair Stitches patterns!

plus be sure to read her blog entry for March 15th to find out where you can get this cute pattern free! 

Monday, March 29, 2010

LemonPoppySeeds for April

Okay, so I thought I broke my blog!  But it appears something funky is going on with blogger today and pictures are mostly coming up with the dreaded red X.  The other blogs I follow are coming up the same for me...

So anyway.... I won't have time to do this later as I'm up to my neck in leprechauns today.  I've added my lemonpoppyseeds items for April.... Hopefully the picture will come up soon..   You can peek ay my shop and even make a purchase now if you'd like. 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

hanging out the clothes!

Whew, after a busy and trying week, a mountain of laundry awaits!  We're back to using the clothesline til it gets too cold again... love the smell of fresh laundry in from the line...

Friday, March 26, 2010

How Cool is That!!!

I'm supposed to be finishing up my income taxes so we can get them filed next week... And catching up on emails as I was knocked off the internet much of the week, figuring out how to network my computers and printers. And working on a snow family and leprechaun and birds for a dear customer!

...but I received an email this morning from the Blogger Team announcing the new Blogger Template Designer.   Oh my... how to fill a few hours with what I'm NOT supposed to be doing!    But I was hoping to spruce up my blog for the springtime and this made it easy peasy, once I figured it out!  

Hope you like it as much as I do.... still have a few bugs to work out- after the taxes and emails and orders are finished!

Have a marvelous weekend!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Moooo-ving into spring!

Be they ever so humble, the earliest signs of spring!    It makes my heart happy to step outside each day,  take a breath of fresh air and check to see if anything new is poking up through the earth

It'll be nice to get back out in the gardens!   We have so many plans for this growing season. A ton of maintenance including repairing all the raised beds in the vegetable garden.  My hubby was bestowed with shorter work hours, so I will think of it as a blessing for now! 
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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring Has Sprung!

yippee!!!!  Spring will officially arrive at 1:32 this afternoon.  Surprisingly, this year wasn't bad at all in this neck of the woods... We've had very little snow and not horribly cold weather either.  Of course the snow cover protects my herb gardens and perennial beds and I am hoping everything will make it through. 

This is my favorite time of year and the past week has been in the upper 60s and low 70s which is perfect. 
And I am working on snowmen this week...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Deerfield Spring Sampler

Spring Forward!   Don't forget to set your clocks ahead!  

I'm spending this rainy and very windy weekend at the Old Deerfield Spring Sampler, after a few quick busy months of creating spring items!

We setup Friday night and I snapped a few photos of our booth so I could look it over once I got back home.  It always looks different in the photos and I think you can see at a glance what needs to be changed.  I had good intentions for taking some more photos Saturday morning when the lighting was better.  Of course once I started gabbing with the ladies I totally forgot..... sigh!    I didn't remember again until yesterday afternoon when the booth was blown out...

What a busy show day, even with the rain.   I might try today for a few more photos as I like to have a visual reference for future show setups. I like to change it up each time, but also like to stick to what works best.

We set the clocks ahead last night when we got home, and I was sleeping soundly in no time, but it's now 4 am and I feel ready for another day...  I know we will be tired tonight!  

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