
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Simple Treasures Show Pictures

Ohhh, this was an awesome show and I am honored to have been a part of it.   I think we all had a great time. I definately came home with more prim goodies than would fit in the car, and would have liked more. But there's always next time!   A little peek at my booth and watch for wonderful pictures of the show on the Walker Homestead website!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Simple Treasures at Walker Homestead

 I'm so excited to be part of this wonderful show!  
Don't miss it!

Hope to see you there! ~Denise
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Deerfield PumpkinHead Dolls

Waiting for the show....

We will be at the Old Deerfield Craft Fair this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, in Deerfield Massachusetts.  Should you be able to attend, you can find us in space B25, on the sidewalk, same as last year.
Have a great weekend!  ~Denise

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Mattoon Festival Primitive Booth Photos

What a busy time of year this is!   I have had to keep myself off the computer this week, except for orders.  Too much to do before Deerfield, this weekend.  Mostly everything is finished, finally, and the van is jampacked.  We're setting up this evening and I am going to relax for most of the day. 
Mattoon Street Festival was last weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and we had a great time.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous.  It was a very unique show, I think one of my new favorites.   I look forward to doing it again next year.  As promised I snapped a few photos.  I kept this setup very basic as we had to break down and remove all merchandise Saturday evening.  I think that was my least favorite part!  
Check out the brick sidewalk... 


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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mattoon At Night

Mattoon Street Arts Festival
Just a little peek!   We setup at 7 pm and it got dark quickly!  Thought I'd share a few photos for now.... isn't it pretty?   We didn't setup any product and will do that in the morning. 
Should you come to the fest I am on the Chestnut Street end, three tents in.
Have a great weekend wherever you are ~ D  

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mattoon Street Arts Festival

Festival Information

This is not my typical show, and I am quite excited to be a part of it.  I was really taken by the beauty of this quaint little brick lined street in the heart of the city.   

I think I am the only one doing anything remotely prim, so we will see how it goes.  Everyone likes Halloween, and that will help sales a lot!    

Two of my bff will be there also, Linda of Tweedleberry Tree with her awesome bowls and Barbra of Letter Perfect Names with her wonderful photo word art.   

Perfect weather is forecast once again so come visit me if you're in the area. 

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Monday, September 6, 2010

A nice day for a craft show... some photos

What a gorgeous day for a show!   Thank you Barbra!!!!  for all your work putting this show together.    I appreciate everything you do and this is one of the reasons I come back every year!  
Thanks so much to all my awesome customers and friends who stopped by to see me again this year, I really appreciate your friendship and your purchases!

I woke up very late and a bit cross, scrambling to get ready.... And I remembered to bring everything except my bag of stuff to work on.  Thankfully I did not need it. 

My husband helped setup before work, thankfully.  I did not have the fortune of his company to break down and the van is a hellish mess!   I am afraid to open the back door!

A little smaller setup than I do for the big shows.... It was very sunny, and hence these are not the best of photos, but a glimpse anyway...  The sun did feel good as it was in the 70s and breezy. 

If you see anything you MUST have, email me early this week as I have to repack the remains.  Most will be gone after my upcoming shows.

Came home with a really bad headache.   Hope to rest a bit today before I unload...

Don't forget my little pumpkin man on ebay....  He has more watchers than ever, and hiss auction will be over tomorrow. 
Pumpkin Feedsack Dolly

Have a fine week!

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prim Olde Pumpkin Head Dolly

wooooooooooooooo, what a busy summer.  I've been offline as much as possible, and enjoying every minute of it.  Garden has been awesome, with tomatoes and peppers coming in full throttle at the moment.  We are canning lots of salsa and tomatoes for sauce...  

This summer went by tremendously fast!   Hard to believe autumn is on our doorstep.

I love creating these prim feedsack dolls. 

 I've been so busy preparing for my upcoming shows, and am really excited about my offerings this year.... I really overdid it but I truly think I would be happy working on autumn and halloween items all year long. 

I have listed a few auutmn offerings on my website. This prim little dolly can be found on ebay...

Sunday I will be at the Somers Day of Arts and Crafts on Rt 190 in Somers CT, which is a nice little show.  First show of the season and I will have a bit of everything.  It's supposed to be a gorgeous day, as it always seems to be.    I am thankful that Hurricane Earl will give us just a bit of rain on Friday..... Seeing this in our forecast was a bit worrisome.