
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Deerfield and Castleberry Shows

My remaining shows for this year.... I'm looking forward to them but will also be happy when they are over.  It's been a busy year, and a very fulfilling one, but tiring too.  I finished all I needed to in time for Deerfield. 
We will be away for the following weekends. I will be away from the computer for much of the time leading up to and during the shows...

Old Deerfield Christmas Sampler Craft Fair

at the Better Living Center

in West Springfield, MA

November 19th, 20th, and 21st, 2010
Castleberry Christmas Craft Expo

CT Expo Center

265 Rev Moody Overpass, Hartford

Friday December 3, 10-8

Saturday December 4, 10-6

Sunday, December 5, 10-5