
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Mother's Work is NEVER Done!

Wow has it been that long since I've blogged..... No wonder it looks different that it did last time.  It seems like either NOTHING is going on here, or EVERYTHING all at once. 
I had the Deerfield Spring Sampler in early March, which was very early for the show, and we had to work hard to be ready. 
and since then I have been loading up my space at Teaberry Treasures.... we are working on many new things all the time.  I love being in the shop, and if you're ever heading up through Enfield on Rt 190, be sure to stop by..... it's in a quaint little ancient hotel in the heart of the Hazardville Historic District. I love being surrounded by all handmade, no China crap here!!! 
and then, we are working outside, getting the gardens ready for planting and fixing up the birdhouses and decorating the gardens.  This time of year is pure heaven...
I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea, but I didn't care for this dolly, and set her on my back porch potting bench.   This little momma bird has been yanking on her hair for days and days... I guess I did a good job felting her hair in.   
I just love spring.... there's always something "special" going on out in the gardens!!!
Well do enjoy your day, and thanks for peeking in...
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