
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Blessed Spring Dear Ones

After a remarkable winter, we have had a few chilly days again.    A bit of snow is forecast for today, but I am rather looking forward to it this time.   It will be nice to admire the flakes knowing it's probably the last time and that they won't be sticking around all winter. 
We have a warmup coming next week with days in the 70s.  Kitties are enjoying the fresh new catnip, which is always the best of the year,  and I am making some kitty doll toys for the shops with it.
This is always such a fun time for me, because I can get down and create to my heart's content...   Yesterday was a truly creative day... old coverlet garlands, six new clothespin bags, a huge number of blocks, and more old wool kitties.   Plus I cut out a bunch of kitty dolls to stitch up today. 

I have already received some really fun orders because of  Vintage Market, so yay!   I love it when someone has a dream they are wishing for and I can make it come true for them! 
And the shops with my handmade creations are doing very very well, so I am pleased for them, and happy to have the opportunity to do some more creating.   If you haven't had the pleasure of stopping in at Hidden Treasures and Cozy Cat Primitives, you should put them on your Bucket List!  
a sweet greeting as you begin your Sunday and your Springtime!   Hope it is everything you wish for!  
A Morning Song (For the First Day of Spring) by Eleanor Farjeon 1922 - recorded by Cat Stevens
with best wishes ~ Denise & Matt
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Friday, March 11, 2016

Springtime in Connecticut

So, after the easiest winter ever, spring is on our doorstep!  I did not miss the snow and the bitter cold weather. The daffodils are emerging from the earth, and I am very tempted to start raking out the garden beds.  Another few weeks and the peas get planted for my stir fries.  yummy.  A few more trees came down in the fall so we should have the best veggies ever with more sunshine in the garden beds.
This has been a good week for us, with our first big show behind us.  The truck went in for a brake job, so we are good to go, go, go.  Scoping out the rummage sales already for some more materials to work with!  
I started folding all my fabrics, but the wool was calling to me.... for a little while I am stitching up some of my old style kitties, some little acorns, ellies,  and pumpkin doll bodies, to work on in the evenings after our daily visit with my momma. 
remember these guys?   haven't done them in so long and they are rockin' this wool!
I signed up for another show, even though I said I wouldn't..... Some are just too special to pass up.   Details are on my show page, and I will update some more before the show.  Very excited and already planning some special things for it!
Today was spent creating some awesome new spring room spray scents for Hidden Treasures.  I hope to bring another batch of new spring things in next week, as well as a special order.  
Tomorrow morning is a quick trip up to Southampton's Cozy Cat Primitives to visit my buddy Norm, now that I have brakes again! 
Have a wonderful weekend, wherever you are! 
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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

First Show of the Year

We are keeping it simple this year, but will continue with all of the Old Deerfield and Walker Homestead shows.   I may try to add a few more venues, but they have to speak to my soul!   This will allow us to spend quality time with my momma, and creative time, and breathing time!   As always we will create for both Hidden Treasures and Cozy Cat Primitives.... both very kind wonderful shop owners who are dear to us! 
The first show of 2016 was here in a flash.  Deerfield Spring Sampler is always in early March, and it just sprang up again suddenly this year.  I was happy to have nice weather for it.  We have worked on new spring items since Christmas time, and managed to jam pack our booth with goodies.  It was a very successful show and I am so grateful for all our friends and customers who traveled out to see us. 
As you can see, the booth is packed out to the max, because once the doors open, there is not time to refill until late afternoon. 
a sweet stuffed bunny, vintage paper sheep, wax peep bucket, and Hershey rabbit....

old granny coat bear, and vintage velvet carrot rabbit racer.  generally I design my own things, but this design by myprimitivesaltbox was too sweet not to try!

vintage barn wood, old paper basket half, and velvet peep...

old paper molded easter basket and plush rabbit to greet the shoppers...

a long shot of part of the booth.... yes, it's jammed.

a shot from another angle...

from the main door..... shop here please!!!!

small table packed out before the doors opened.
I love my old onion crate display.   So heavy to haul, but so worth it. 

I think we covered most of it!
Now, a week of wonderful weather is ahead.  It makes me want to go out and poke in the gardens, but alas.... first must fold a boatload of fabric and get my house back!!!!
Have a happy week! oxo Denise
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