
Saturday, February 14, 2009

forced forsythia cuttings

These were cut on Groundhog Day (the 2nd) , showed signs of color after about nine days, and have been in full bloom for a few days. Definately not my favorite, but they offer a glimpse of spring, which we are all longing for. In Connecticut the majority of our snow and ice is gone, leaving a dirty muddy mess behind. Our gardens won't look nice again until things warm up and dry out.
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  1. You really have a nice blog. I found you through Hazelruth's. You do nice work. I will be traveling back. I see you like herbs & gardens as I do. Great blog!

  2. Thank you so very much. I find blogging is really hard for me to do on a regular basis, but I'm going to really try to keep up with it this year!
