
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Deerfield Spring Sampler Craft Fair

Thank you, thank you everyone who came out to see us.... It is such a tremendous rush to see you all, always, but even more so after being cooped up and enduring this harsh winter. I have come home with a very happy heart tonight.
It was an exhilarating but exhausting day. One more day to go 10 - 5 Sunday.. My  friend Linda and my son Josh were wonderful... such a tremendous help. I am so greatful for their support! It was a bit overwhelming at times even with their help! We were crushed with customers as soon as the doors opened and it continued like that for hours.

I still have some great pieces left, but it's definately thinned out a lot which will make packing to go home so much easier! That's a beautiful thing!

I've taken a few orders for things that were snatched up, and am willing to do a few more before starting in the gardens.   Also I have some more Easter things at Crossroad in Somers, Ct. 

A couple of booth pictures.... not the best, but whatever. I spent a bit too much time gabbing and forgot to take pictures til the doors opened. I had to move quickly at that point!
I jam-pack my booth for a show like this, because there is no way to refill once it gets busy.  If it looks cluttery that's why.  Almost everything I made for the show is out.... 
Well off to be a couch potato for a little while!   


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  1. So many adorable things. When did you have time to sleep? Glad it turned out well for you. I am having my very first giveaway. Come check it out.
    Becky at Ginger Creme Hollow

  2. Denise what great news the Spring Show was so good yesterday !!!! Your booth as always looks great !!! I hope you have another successful day ! Happy Spring !!!

  3. Oh my gosh ~ everything looks wonderful I wish I could have been there. Looks like you had a lot of wonderful goodies.
    Prim Blessings!

  4. Thanks so much for taking the time to take/post your show pics! Your booth looked great - congrats on a good show! ~*~Lisa
