
Saturday, May 30, 2015

A Patriotic Drumroll Please!

Well I have finally done it!  
 I have split my etsy listings into two shops as originally intended.  The original shop offers downloadable epatterns only, and the newest  will include my handmade offerings, upcycled vintage goods, and antiques. 
What a tangled web that was to unweave.   I had opened multiple shops several years ago and had to figure out which was which and what password and email went with which.... yikes.  I had to switch email addresses and close a shop, but it's done. 
And seriously, although they have made shipping calculation quite easy, I can't believe how costly it has become.  I do enjoy composing the listings, but have forgotten how time consuming this process is.  I'd rather be creating!
I hope to continue adding more listings over the weekend
Anyway, among my first listings are the patriotic goods for our Hafair promotion.
a sweet patriotic ellie
a liberty dolly
a weathered patriotic banner
a crow doll makedo
and a sunflower hanger for your wall
We are heading out to the farmer's market today to visit an old friend, and to buy some quiche for our breakfast this week.   I have not checked craigslist for tag sale listings, but think I will stay home and work all day.  I've really gotten the work bug back.  Then again, I might check.  Don't want to miss out on anything good! 
Matthew has been working to his heart's content in the gardens and they are coming back beautifully this year.  It is so nice to see him happy again.  He may have Lyme disease again.... he was tested yesterday and put on antibiotics.  Damn those ticks... the poor guy has enough health problems already. 
We have had a very dry spring, but rain is forecast for Sunday and Monday.  That will be a good thing for sure.
Hope you will have a great weekend!   Try to do at least one fun thing! 
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