
Thursday, June 25, 2015

love you most

Those are the words spoken at the end of every phone call with Matt's younger brother.... the calls had become much more frequent over the past couple of years.    His sarcasm was harsh at times, but he made up for it with his wit and caring.  They truly broke the mold when they made him. 
I am thankful his suffering is over.... it got really really bad for him at the end.  Three quick months was not time enough for us to prepare, but I am happy we took the trip down and enjoyed his company while he still felt well enough.   I will miss our morning coffee klatch! 
It started out as a nice enough day with our Wednesday "Family Day" thrift shopping.  then on to working on signs for my friend Laura, because she can't keep them on the shelf at Hidden Treasures...  I will be bringing another load to her this weekend, along with some stitched handmades, so stay tuned! 
The gardens are coming along nicely this year and I will try to get some photos of them up shortly....
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