
Friday, July 15, 2016

Grand Olde Summertime Gardening

I am overloaded with orders and am spending most of the day chained to the sewing machine.  It's going to be another scorcher here, so it's a good thing I can stay inside!   Matt is next door staining my momma's house.    I end up most days with socks and a sweatshirt, but at least it's good for breathing easy.  The pumpkin pile is huge and growing by the day, and I will get them aged and painted on a day when it's nicer outside!  I have some more special orders to finish for Hidden Treasures, so if there's anything you want me to bring for you, drop me a line. 
The dry weather hasn't hurt our blueberry crop at all!   I have picked large colander fulls several times and have to pick again later today!   The raspberry bushes are also loaded.  We have had pancakes and muffins, but most of them are in the freezer. 

Matt planted a huge bed of swiss chard for me.  It's totally picking time.... Yay- I think tomorrow I will start the weekend with a yummy bacon/chard quiche.

The catnip bed and beyond.... sweet annie is in the back and limping along. 

Squash and cucumbers are a bit slower, but at least we're not having to fight the powdery mildew like we do with too much rain.  Matt brought in the first of the zucchinis and summer squash, and two overgrown pickling cukes he missed.... I hope we will have another year with "zucchini of the day".  I love getting lost in Pinterest finding new ways to make it!
I'm trying to decide on whether we want to go pickin for treasures this weekend, or work work work.  We love what we do, so both sound fine... Definitely an hour for Mountainview will be welcome.
Have the best weekend with what you have, where you are  >"<   Denise and Matt

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