
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A little quickie...

I'm sorry I haven't posted very much lately.... With two craft shows approaching rather quickly,  my already limited internet time has been mostly hit and run for the past month...  I have recentlydiscovered Facebook, which looks like it could be a lot of fun, but for now we are outside getting the gardens going for the year.  This is a quick little peek at my raised beds.  The sunshine is making a huge difference. 
my hubby, hard at work... he's such a good sport!

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  1. It looks awesome, I really want to take a ride out there :-)

  2. Hey Michelle! My house is a disaster, I need to clean first, lol. I can't believe the Deerfield show is coming up so quickly.... if you want tickets give me a holler! hugs, Denise

  3. Thank you Becky! It's one of several, but it's my favorite...
    Now if I can balance crafts and gardens it will be a major miracle! hugs, Denise

  4. Nice cool blog. Looking forward to come back and I became a follower. (Ninatoronto)
