
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have not spent much time at the computer this summer.  Too many other things have been keeping me occupied.... craft shows, sick kitty, doll challenge, the gardens.   I'd rather chat with my friends on the phone, because I can keep working. 
Deerfield was a wonderful show as always, however I find the summer shows to be slow.  We brought along some new designs, and a glimpse of autumn.  I really enjoy the shows, much more than online...
Amherst was a rainy show, and we got to meet lots of nice people ducking into our tent to escape the buckets of rain pouring down from the sky...  Glad we brought an abundant supply of paper towels!
The gardens are spectacular this year and we are drowning in cucumbers and zucchini.  An explosion of tomatoes is imminent and I will be canning lots of salsa and sauce.
A little peek at the dolly I created for my first doll challenge.  I really enjoyed making her!
Now I am hard at work creating some things for the Autumn shows... my favorite time of year to create for. 
Hope you are having a nice summer! 
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1 comment:

  1. Love your booth Denise!!
    I love doing the shows too.. meeting and talking to everyone... they are a lot of work... but SO worth it!!! :)
