Friday, June 26, 2015

a few more gourd birdhouses....
oh man.... starting the morning with some sprinkles on a very heavy estate sale day!    but I am admiring the beautiful gourd pole Matt got for me at Walker Homestead, from my neighbors, Avery Hill Farm.  He found the perfect spot for it in the back of the vegetable garden, and with 15 minutes a little wren starting bringing twigs into one of the gourds!  It's the small things that add such comfort...
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Thursday, June 25, 2015

love you most

Those are the words spoken at the end of every phone call with Matt's younger brother.... the calls had become much more frequent over the past couple of years.    His sarcasm was harsh at times, but he made up for it with his wit and caring.  They truly broke the mold when they made him. 
I am thankful his suffering is over.... it got really really bad for him at the end.  Three quick months was not time enough for us to prepare, but I am happy we took the trip down and enjoyed his company while he still felt well enough.   I will miss our morning coffee klatch! 
It started out as a nice enough day with our Wednesday "Family Day" thrift shopping.  then on to working on signs for my friend Laura, because she can't keep them on the shelf at Hidden Treasures...  I will be bringing another load to her this weekend, along with some stitched handmades, so stay tuned! 
The gardens are coming along nicely this year and I will try to get some photos of them up shortly....
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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Walker Homestead Spring Show

One of my favorite shows is past.   It was truly a special day.   We had the best time ever and are already discussing the Autumn show.  We are coming next time with a double space so you all can shop in comfort!   It was so much easier packing for home because most of what we came with is gone.  What a happy feeling to know that our work is being cherished and displayed in someone's home.  Thank you to all who made the trip out.  I hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did. 
a sampling of our handmades for the garden
a shot of our booth taken right before the gates opened. 
one of my favorite angel dolls who found a forever home...

always my favorite display pieces... the onion crates

one corner of the booth 

the side table... we filled up to the tent top!

some critters and such...

sign display on back side....

another peek at the onion crates...

back table of found treasures....
The next place we can be found is the Coventry CT Farmer's Market Frugal Frolic event on Sunday, July 5th.  Then we will be off til September.... working, working, working, because we love what we do!
In the meantime you can find our work at Hidden Treasures in Agawam. I am working on another large batch for the shop this entire week, so stay tuned!
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Sunflower Summer

A few of my favorite things!